Visit Águeda


The region is covered in the "coastline" direction North/South by the highway Oporto – Lisbon, being the municipality served through the interchanges of Albergaria-a-Velha, to North and Oiã to South connection which is made by the A25 and EN333. Still in the same direction we find a route with higher traffic flux in the municipality: the EN1/IC2.

In the "interior" we get there through 3 different routes: the EN230, which connects Aveiro to Caramulo, the EN333, which connects Oiã to the interchange to A25, in Talhadas, e a EN336 which connects the EN230 to Mortágua.

The municipality is still crossed in the North by the A25, which connects Aveiro to Vilar Formoso, being however a diluted access fluxes in EN1/IC2 and in the Nacional Road Nº 333.

Still in the municipality area, and in a extension of 21,082 Kms, crosses the Vouga Railways, a straight route which connects Aveiro to Sernada do Vouga, and which plays an important role in the populations daily movements.