The Tournament

Registrations (free)

Tournment dates:

28th, 29th and 30th June 2024

Terms and conditions:

Registration is free but subject to a security deposit of 50.00 € to be returned on the last day of the tournament.

Teams wishing to participate in the tournament will have to make their registration via email to until the 15th May 2024 with the following data:

  • Team name;
  • Age group selected;
  • E-mail contacts and telephone of the responsible person.

Important dates:

  • Until the 15th May 2024: Registrations;
  • Until the 31st of May 2024, first payment of 50% (on the chosen package) for teams wishing accommodation, food and transportation;
  • Until the 15th of June 2024, payment of the remaining 50% (on the chosen package) for teams wishing accommodation, food and transportation;
  • 28th and 29th of June 2024: Games;
  • 30th of June 2024: Games, finals in the different age categories and closing ceremony to be performed by 18.00h.

Registration conditions:

If we reach a large number of registrations teams before the deadline for the closure, they will be closed ahead of schedule;

The first teams to sign up are more likely to participate;

The participation of the team will be guaranteed only after validation by the organization;

Confirmation of the teams will be made via email by the organization;

Payments, if exist, should be made to IBAN PT50 0036 0363 99106002787 93.

Only after the payment of the deposit is made that a team will be considered enrolled in the Tournament;

Stadiums and fields for the Games:

The following stadiums and fields will be used:

  • Parque Desportivo Constantino Marques Duarte (Fermentelos)
  • Estádio Municipal de Águeda (Águeda)
  • Parque de Jogos da Canada (Aguada de Cima)
  • Estádio Manuel Castro Azevedo (Mourisca do Vouga)
  • Parque Desportivo Bastos Xavier (Valongo do Vouga)
  • Campo 1º de Maio (Macinhata do Vouga)

The organization reserves the right to change the location of the games and must notify the respective teams if that happens.

Rules and regulations:

The tournament will be held according to the rules of FIFA and the Portuguese Football Federation as well as the particular rules imposed by the tournament organization.

Insurance and responsibilities:

Athletes will be covered by a policy of personal / sports accident insurance, as provided by law during the course of the games that are part of the competitive framework of the tournament.

The tournment does not have any group or protection for participants in case of theft or damage to property insurance and is not liable for injuries occurring outside of the games that are part of the competitive framework of the tournament